Getting to the Alaska Highway

After enduring two days of historic rain and snow from a storm that made national news, we left the Jasper / Hinton area on Tuesday morning (6/20).  We were able to see mountains again!  We thoroughly enjoyed the views as we drove up Highway 40 from Hinton to Grand Prairie, AB.  The recent snowfall highlighted the peaks, and the sunny skies brightened the wildflowers along the side of the road.  We ended the day by stopping at the Camp Tamarack RV Park, just south of Grand Prairie, AB.

The clouds are finally going away.
Highway 40 to Grande Prairie offers nice views.
Wildflowers filled the ditches along Highway 40
Indian Paintbrush blooms a vibrant red

Wednesday (6/21) was spent resupplying in Grand Prairie, the last major city until we reach Fairbanks next month.  Since it was the summer solstice, we could not pass the chance to visit the largest sundial in North America at the Grand Prairie Visitor Center for a few “silly selfies”.  We also stopped at Beaverlodge, AB to get my favorite selfie of the day.  

Laurie's discovered Bigfoot, and her expression was priceless.
Laurie wants to build one of these stone things in our yard.
A visit to North America's largest sundial on a sunny day
This photo was taken at Beaverlodge, AB and needs no caption

After 2,227 miles and almost two weeks of travel, we finally reached the START of the Alaska Highway.  “Mile 0” is located in Dawson City, BC.   “Mile 1,390” is located just over the Alaska border in Delta Junction, AK, which we hope to reach by the beginning of July. 


Our start to the Alaska Highway did not go well. Just a few miles down the road we caught a large rock in the windshield. Good thing we brought a windshield repair kit!  We drove a bit further before stopping for the night at Peace Island Campground in Taylor, BC.  

Steve is excited to be at Mile "O" at the start of the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, BC
Steve performing windshield repair at the start of the Alaska Highway. Yes, that is Laurie's Baby Yoda on the dash.

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3 thoughts on “Getting to the Alaska Highway”

  1. Love your journey so far! Dave wants to know was the rock falling from something or did it kick up from a car infront of you? Safe travels!
    Dave & Laurie ( from Pa , but met in Fargo ND)

    1. Hi Laurie! Thanks for your comments. Tell Dave we caught a rock when a truck passed us. Today we caught another rock in the windshield as a car passed us. Good thing we had another repair kit!

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