We’re Traveling Through Canada, eh!

We crossed the border at Portal, ND on Tuesday (6/13) with no wait or issue.  We spent the rest of the day driving north across empty plains and wide open farm land, reaching Regina, Saskatchewan in the late afternoon.  After buying some supplies, we decided it was too hot to stay at a Harvest Host, so we camped at a clean but unremarkable RV park on the east side of town on Tuesday night. This allowed us to plug in and enjoy the A/C, as temps were still in the upper 80’s into the late evening.

King's Acres "Campground" in Regina, SK on Tues Jun 12
Believe it or not, this was the highlight of Wed Jun 13
After a great night of sleep, we headed west on the Trans-Canada Highway on Wednesday (6/14).  The road was bumpier than expected, and the high winds made for an interesting start of the day’s drive.  Things got even more interesting when we had to stop on the side of the highway to perform emergency repair of the coach door window.  The high winds and bumpy road caused the fiberglass pane to jar loose.  Nothing that a little duck tape couldn’t handle, though!  Glad we caught it before the whole window pane fell out and was lost.
The highlight of the day on Wednesday (6/14) was our stop to see “Mac the Moose” in Moose Jaw, SK. He’s a big moose, that’s for sure. This allowed us to stretch our legs and get another “silly selfie”.
Mac the Moose: the World's Largest (fake) Moose!
A fantastic "silly selfie" location!
The rest of the day Wednesday was spent admiring the rolling hills of Saskatchewan.  A quick storm lowered both the temps and the wind gusts.  The road started to improve, along with our spirits as we realized most boring part of the drive was now behind us.  After we crossed into Alberta, we found a nice city campground in Medicine Hat, AB.  We are planning to go to Alberta’s Dinosaur Provincial Park on Thursday (6/15), so stay tuned for more selfies!
Controversy required a Moose Truce with Norway!
Gas City Campground in Medicine Hat, AB is nice.