Yukon Mosquitos

Wednesday (6/28) was a travel day.  We left Watson Lake in the morning and headed further along the Alaska Highway.  The weather was warm, so we opted to stay where we could get electricity and run our A/C rather than finding a nicer, but more primitive campground.   We drove to Teslin and stopped for the night.   

A nice black bear wandering along the Alaska highway between Watson Lake and Teslin, YT
Another warm and sunny day as we settle into our RV site in Teslin, YT.

The RV Park we picked for Wednesday night was similar to many along the Alaska Highway: RV hookups in a field with more gravel than trees, conveniently located next to a fuel station / restaurant / gift shop combination.  We set up “camp” and walked over to check out the “wildlife museum”, which included large animal taxidermy displays attached to an even larger gift shop.  Laurie purchased some interesting jewelry while I was busy making a fool of myself. 

Please rest assured that no stuffed animals were injured during this photo shoot.
Is Steve scared of the bear, or is the bear scared of Steve?

Up to this point on the trip, we’d been pleasantly surprised by the lack of mosquitos.  The web site for The Yukon Motel and Lakeside RV Park where we stayed, claimed it was a “mosquito controlled” area.  Ha!  These people obviously have a great sense of humor.  We immediately noticed WAY more mosquitos than anywhere else so far on our trip.  In the evening, the wind died down and a light rain began to fall, bringing out even more of the bugs.  Just as we tried to fall asleep, we started noticing some of the mosquitos had figured out how to get inside of our RV.  It was a long night.  I had to sleep in my specially treated anti-bug hoodie.  Laurie and Lucy were not bothered by the mosquitos nearly as much as they were bothered by my complaining.  

It's Thursday morning (6/29) and Steve is still donning his anti-mosquito garb.
Even with very little sleep, Steve was happy because we started seeing more mountains.

We drove from Teslin to Whitehorse, YT on Thursday (6/29) morning.  Whitehorse is one of the largest towns along the Alaska Highway, so we stopped to buy some supplies.  I spent a small fortune on additional mosquito defense tools.

Dave & Mindy recommended we stop at The Alpine Bakery in Whitehorse, so obviously we had to buy their tasty cookies and bread.
We found a decent Mexican takeout place in Whitehorse for an enjoyable lunch.

The road from Whitehorse to Haines Junction got a bit rough in a few stretches, requiring a little slower travel.  We didn’t see any wildlife, but the views improved as the rolling hills turned into mountains.  The fireweed was in bloom and brightened the ditches with large patches of purple.  We stopped for a visit to the outstanding Haines Junction Visitor Center and enjoyed learning about the adjacent Kluane National Park.  We stayed at yet another RV Park/gas station for the night (Haines Juntion Fas Gas RV Park).  Lucy and I took a walk into town to marvel at the beautiful mountain backdrop.  Another travel day is planned for Friday (6/30) as we hope to cross the border into Alaska by Saturday (7/1).

The Alaska Highway, just outside of Haines Junction, YT
Fireweed is the official flower of the Yukon Province
The mountains of Kluane National Park border Haines Junction, YT
This town is basically just two roads coming together. You guessed it, one of the roads leads to Haines, AK.
Not exactly wilderness "camping" at a gas station RV park, but the view was still beautiful. Hard to believe, but this photo was taken at 11:10 PM at night!

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2 thoughts on “Yukon Mosquitos”

  1. Welcome home to the USA. I have never seen a picture like this one, that makes Alaska look small, in comparison to the three territories in Northern Canada. I remember learning that Alaska is the biggest state in the USA and is about three times the size of France. The Yukon Territory (YT) is particularly huge. As Canadians, we are so happy to have seen the pictures of you visiting parts of our country, where Kelly and I have never been.

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